
Lessons from China

I have come back full Inflatable Transom Boats of energi and inspir to go for expans in my own busi and start to take more calcul risk in 2010. Let us all open our ey for opportun in the run-up to Christma and beyond.

which funnili enough wa the reason I wa there – to see some prospect new custom in both Hong Kong and China that ar look for a gourmet food supplierI am write thi week a few dai after come back from Hong Kong and China with a UKTI trade mission. To be privileg enough to visit the hot-b of the world s economi wa an inspir and in some wai challeng experience. With the massiv growth in the Chines economi ha come both a plethora of design shop around each corner and also a new interest in western food..

my blog thi week is on the more gener lesson we can learn from China,However. which is essenti a nation of entrepreneurs. Despit some of their busi practic be either illeg or border on it, there ar mani within that grow economi that challeng our western small-mindedness:

possibl due to their histori of traumat cataclysm events,Th Chines ar veri open to take risks. I think. the attitud is veri much that "we have noth to lose", so let s go for it. Thei back themselv to succe and veri often thei do. If not thei will pick themselv up and start again with no time for self-pity.

but he wa certainli keen to do businessThei ar great sale people. Anyon with ani time to spare will get out on the street and sell a "copi watch". The gui who shout "idiot" after I refus him perhap hasn t been to the latest sale train course.!

Thei ar a nation of hard-workers. Most busi seem to function six or seven dai a week and the busi owner put in a tremend amount of hour – perhap thi is on that is not complet alien to mani of us.

I wa struck at how custom ar made to feel special in mani place – and thi isn t in the hope of get a tip. Tip is not part of Chines culture. Two exampl of this. Firstly,Custom servic and hospit ar high on the agenda. Yet again when travel out of the west. the first hotel I stai at in Hong Kong gave me two present just for check in! Secondly, in a restaur in Shanghai when go to the loo, there wa a gui who ran the water in the basin, squeez the soap onto my hand and got the towel from the dispenser. Fortun he didn t attempt to help me ani earlier in the process!

thei ar veri quick to see a new opportunity. Thei seem to be abl to get on with a new ventur incred quickli and grasp a new opportun much quicker than most of us would. Thi is larg due to their short-term view of the futur - a busi plan of longer than six month would be slightli unusu for a start-upFinally..

