Gary Coleman and wife divorced at time of death?
for the hospit where Coleman di said: 'We had no indic that the inform Shannon gave us wa false. She portrai herself as hi wife.'
accord to reportsGari Coleman and hi wife Shannon Price were divorc at the time of the actor s death..
It wa Price who decid to take the 42-year-old off life support after he suffer an intracrani haemorrhag in a fall.
But court paper obtain by Entertain Tonight reputedli confirm the Diff rent Stroke star and Price were legal divorc in August 2008.
Obama Presents Award to Former Beatle McCartney
third Gershwin prize recipi after Paul Simon and Stevi Wonder.
and the former Beatl sang the song "Michelle" with first ladi Michel Obama look onPresid Barack Obama present Paul McCartnei with a lifetim achiev award for hi contribut to popular music on Wednesdai night..
67,McCartney. wa given the U.S. Librari of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song by Obama and listen to a concert of hi music perform by other singer befor sing some of hi own songs.
" McCartnei said,"I mean get thi prize would be good enough. But get it from thi president. smiling.
Obama call McCartnei the most success songwrit in history.
the Jona Brothers,Musician includ Stevi Wonder. Elvi Costello, Faith Hill, Corrin Bailei Rae and Herbi Hancock perform McCartnei songs.
" Obama said as he laud McCartney' lengthi careerObama paus to rememb peopl in U.S. Gulf Coast commun affect by the region' massiv oil spill. "Part of what get us through tough time is music..
"You have billion of us who ar root for you.McCartnei told Obama."
" "Got to Get You Into My Life" and other tunes,McCartnei took to the stage sing "Eleanor Rigby. includ "Michelle," with the U.S. first ladi listen nearby.
Sweet Home to Tyler Perry’s ‘Madea’s Big Happy Family’
FOR COLORED GIRLS WHO Buy Clown Combo HA VE CONSIDERED SUICIDE WHEN THE RA INBOW IS ENUF,Perri s tenth film for Lionsgate. is schedul to begin princip photographi on June 1 in Atlanta. Perri direct hi screen adapt of the Obie Award-win plai by Ntozak Shange, and produc alongsid Paul Hall. The film s all-star cast includ Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Whoopi Goldberg, Phylicia Rashad, Jurne Smollett, Kimberli Elise, Kerri Washington, Loretta Devine, Anika Noni Rose and Maci Gray. FOR COLORED GIRLS WHO HA VE CONSIDERED SUICIDE WHEN THE RA INBOW IS ENUF is schedul for nationwid releas on Januari 14, 2011.
the lead next gener studio announc that it ha acquir the right to the next film by writer/director/actor/produc Tyler Perry,LIONSGA TE. TYLER PERRY S MA DEA S BIG HA PPY FA MILY. The film will be the eleventh titl in the studio s hit Perri franchise. Perri will repris hi signatur role as the straight-shoot Madea in the film, adapt from hi new stage plai Madea s Happi Family, which is current on tour in the U.S. The announc wa jointli made by Joe Drake, Lionsgat Chief Operat Office and Motion Pictur Group President, and Mike Paseornek, Lionsgat Presid of Motion Pictur Production.
2011Lionsg plan to releas TYLER PERRY S MA DEA S BIG HA PPY FA MILY on April 22..
No on make a big-screen entranc like Madea,Said Paseornek. and we re veri excit to welcom her back with TYLER PERRY S MA DEA S BIG HA PPY FA MILY. To us, the titl of the film couldn t be more apt. Not onli is Tyler a cherish member of the Lionsgat family; hi uniqu brand of storytelling, humor, music and uplift ha creat a big happi famili of moviegoers.
It s veri import to me to make movi that audienc can relat to,Said Perry. and I can t think of a more relat subject than family. I m look forward to bring back Madea and the gang, and I m glad to have Lionsgat with me for the journey.
Half-Price Frapps!
be sure to hit Commercial Inflatable Bouncer Person up your local Starbuck thi week between 3 to 5 p.m. for an afternoon delightSo for all of us out there that ar easili manipul into bui thing due to an awesom corpor market ploy..
let' just sai the list goe on for quit awhileThe frozen coffe mix with the chocolate-i good of a Starbuck frappuccino make me weak in the knees. Or strawberri goodness. Or caramel. Or ... well..
But I try to stai awai from the high-calori yet oh-so-delici drink by sai to myself that they'r just too expensive. And it keep me away. For the most part.
between the hour of 3 to 5 p.m.,But from now until Mai 16. Starbuck is sell their frappuccino for half-price.
StarbucksThi is go to caus me to gain at least three pounds. Damn you.!
which I'm complet feel for the baristas,It' for their launch of "howev you want it" frappuccinos. especi when the slew of peopl come storm in for half-pric on I us to be a barista, and let me tell ya, those thing ar a bitch to make. I can onli imagin the pain to custom them ... .
Iran hangs five members
Ali Haydarian,Farzad Kamangar. Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam- Houli and Mehdi Eslamian were member of the Parti of Free Life of Kurdistan PJA K , an offshoot of the Kurdistan Worker Parti PKK which took up arm in 1984 for an ethnic homeland in southeast Turkei and northwest Iran.
includ on woman,"Th five. were hang insid Tehran' Evin prison Sundai morn ... Thei confess carri out deadli terrorist oper in the countri in the past years," IRNA said.
which seek autonomi for Kurdish area in Iran and shelter in Iraq' northeastern border provinces,Iran see PJA K. as a terrorist group.
Iranian forc have often clash with PJA K guerrillas,In recent years. who oper out of base in northern Iraq. Kurd ar larg minor in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.
Th five Kurdish activist were convict in 2008. Thei were hang after a Suprem Court upheld their death sentences.
an elit forc that is separ from Iran' regular arm forcesIRNA said three of them were founder of PJA K group in Iran and were also involv in bomb that kill member of Iran' Revolutionari Guards..
Heidarian and Vakili start their arm activ to overthrow the Islamic establish in 2003 by creat PJA K group in Iran,"Kamangar." IRNA said, quot their indictment.
"Four of them were also involv in a deadli mosqu bomb in the central citi of Shiraz in 2008."
The blast kill 14 people.
IRNA said Alam-Houli confess to link with PJA K and that she had receiv order from the group to carri out "terrorist" act to creat instabl in Iran.
" it said"Sh wa arrest when try to plant a bomb underneath a vehicl near the Guards' headquart in Tehran..
Roos bring bouncing fun to KidsFest
host by the Institut of Leadership and Servic ILS at four Kansa Citi locationsIt wa all part of KidsFest 2010..
Parvin Estate and East Hill Villag apart complex and provid games,A bout 300 student volunt travel by bu to Rosedal Ridge. food and fun for the famili who live there.
member of the public committe for ILS,Kevin Gerwitz. explain the purpos of KidsFest.
Gerwitz said. Mani of these kid have never had the field dai that mani grade school ar abl to enjoy, The purpos of thi event is to give the children at Phoenix Famili Hous a onc in a lifetim opportun to enjoi a festiv at their hous location. so we feel as though these kid deserv thi opportun ... and we ar go to give it to them. Our ultim goal is to give these children a dai thei will never forget.
give them an opportun to have a place of comfort and a sens of homePhoenix Famili Hous is a corpor that provid stabl hous to low incom families..
Mani of the famili who live in these apart complex have singl parent homes.
a resid at Rosesal Ridge,Cathlen Dinwittie. ha five children under the ag of 15, four of which particip in KidsFest Saturday.
Dinwitti said. It give them someth to do. It s someth for them to get out in the commun and feel part of the area.
Activiti and Program Council APC and The Associat Student of the Univers of Missouri – Kansa Citi ChapterThi event wa sponsor by ILS..
with a strong show from UMKC s fratern and sororitiesTher wa a larg turnout of volunt thi year..
a sophomor in busi market and a member of Chi Omega Sorority,Dana Fisher. volunt at Rosedale.
especi on the weekends, We re particip just to kinda give the kid someth fun to do. Fisher said. Commun servic carniv it s someth that all the Greek ar abl to particip in for the weekend. It s person import to me becaus commun servic is a big thing that I ve alwai done, [in] high school and colleg and I m also an advanc scholar and thi is someth I get to do. I wouldn t be abl to if I wasn t Greek or a scholar.
keep the volunt busyThe children who particip jump into the activ full-force..
Florida governor, trailing in Senate primary race, to run as independent
but competit in a three-wai Inflatable Tent race if he can keep the Democrat base while Crist peel off Republican vote from Rubio and pick up GOP-lean independentsMeek could be the biggest beneficiari if Crist goe independent. Poll show him lose badli in a head-to-head race with either Rubio or Crist..
but two Crist confid sai he told them in phone call that he plan to pursu the Senat seat as an independentCrist said he ha told no on of hi decision..
onc a distant long shot,Crist s expect announc would clear the wai for conserv Marco Rubio. to claim the GOP nomin in the state s Aug. 24 primary. Democrat Repres Kendrick Meek is expect to win hi parti s nomination. Crist, consid a rise Republican star not long ago, will announc hi plan at 5 p.m. todai in hi hometown of St. Petersburg.
but said thei had spoken directli with Crist. One cautioned,Th confid who convei word of hi decis spoke on condit of anonym becaus the announc ha not been made. however, that the governor can be unpredictable.
fuel in part by support from tea parti activist whose impact on the midterm elect is not yet clearTh Senat campaign ha drawn nation attent larg becaus of Rubio s rise..
presidenti contend vi for hi endors in the state s primaryCrist s demis as a Republican wa sudden and unexpected. Less than two year ago..
in Februari 2009,A nd then. he hug Presid Obama at an event to promot the $787 billion feder stimulu plan, help to crystal opposition.
Rubio made much of what he call the hug as he hit ralli and event around the state critic the Obama agenda.
first with the tea parti activist and then with mainstream RepublicansRubio s conserv messag about limit spend and reli on the free market rather than govern to creat job caught on..
but it suggest Crist could win a three-wai race with him and MeekTh most recent poll by Quinnipiac Univers had Rubio lead Crist by 23 percentag point in the primary..