be sure to hit Commercial Inflatable Bouncer Person up your local Starbuck thi week between 3 to 5 p.m. for an afternoon delightSo for all of us out there that ar easili manipul into bui thing due to an awesom corpor market ploy..
let' just sai the list goe on for quit awhileThe frozen coffe mix with the chocolate-i good of a Starbuck frappuccino make me weak in the knees. Or strawberri goodness. Or caramel. Or ... well..
But I try to stai awai from the high-calori yet oh-so-delici drink by sai to myself that they'r just too expensive. And it keep me away. For the most part.
between the hour of 3 to 5 p.m.,But from now until Mai 16. Starbuck is sell their frappuccino for half-price.
StarbucksThi is go to caus me to gain at least three pounds. Damn you.!
which I'm complet feel for the baristas,It' for their launch of "howev you want it" frappuccinos. especi when the slew of peopl come storm in for half-pric on I us to be a barista, and let me tell ya, those thing ar a bitch to make. I can onli imagin the pain to custom them ... .