
Roos bring bouncing fun to KidsFest

as well some even wholesale Kids Inflatable Jumpers particip in a few of the activ themselvesTher wa an overal sens of excit from the parents..

host by the Institut of Leadership and Servic ILS at four Kansa Citi locationsIt wa all part of KidsFest 2010..

Parvin Estate and East Hill Villag apart complex and provid games,A bout 300 student volunt travel by bu to Rosedal Ridge. food and fun for the famili who live there.

member of the public committe for ILS,Kevin Gerwitz. explain the purpos of KidsFest.

Gerwitz said. Mani of these kid have never had the field dai that mani grade school ar abl to enjoy, The purpos of thi event is to give the children at Phoenix Famili Hous a onc in a lifetim opportun to enjoi a festiv at their hous location. so we feel as though these kid deserv thi opportun ... and we ar go to give it to them. Our ultim goal is to give these children a dai thei will never forget.

give them an opportun to have a place of comfort and a sens of homePhoenix Famili Hous is a corpor that provid stabl hous to low incom families..

Mani of the famili who live in these apart complex have singl parent homes.

a resid at Rosesal Ridge,Cathlen Dinwittie. ha five children under the ag of 15, four of which particip in KidsFest Saturday.

Dinwitti said. It give them someth to do. It s someth for them to get out in the commun and feel part of the area.

Activiti and Program Council APC and The Associat Student of the Univers of Missouri – Kansa Citi ChapterThi event wa sponsor by ILS..

with a strong show from UMKC s fratern and sororitiesTher wa a larg turnout of volunt thi year..

a sophomor in busi market and a member of Chi Omega Sorority,Dana Fisher. volunt at Rosedale.

especi on the weekends, We re particip just to kinda give the kid someth fun to do. Fisher said. Commun servic carniv it s someth that all the Greek ar abl to particip in for the weekend. It s person import to me becaus commun servic is a big thing that I ve alwai done, [in] high school and colleg and I m also an advanc scholar and thi is someth I get to do. I wouldn t be abl to if I wasn t Greek or a scholar.

keep the volunt busyThe children who particip jump into the activ full-force..

