if it had store InflatablesAirblown all of it file off-premis in a host data center,Like in the earlier exampl of the law firm affect by Hurrican Ike. the employe would have been abl to save all of the files, retriev and reinstat them and gotten the busi back up with minim interruption. Back up to an extern hard drive or NA S Network Attach Storag devic is critic to maintain busi continu and prevent data loss due to hardwar failures. However, small busi commonli face fires, floods, thefts, and other busi secur threat that requir backup to be offsite. Make sure your busi ha a secur backup solut in place to allow data to be store offsite. These solut ar rel inexpens in term of maintain busi continuity, especi consid the alternative.
but when. You might think that as a small busi owner,It' not a matter of if. your compani is not a target for malici hacker or attacks, but thi couldn't be farther from the truth. Size doesn't matter when it come to maintain busi continu in light of secur threat - both natur and manmad - anyon and everyon is susceptible. Think about what kind of inform you could lose from variou busi secur threat - year worth of tax records, confidenti employe inform includ Social Secur numbers, sign custom contract and custom contact records, just to start.
it wa forc to close it door after a decad of be in business. Everyth thei had wa destroi and irretrievable. Although thi wa a natur disaster,When an eight person law firm in Miami wa hit by Hurrican Ike in 2008. the busi owner could have taken some rel easi and cost effect precaut to ensur hi busi wa safe from common small busi secur threats. Fortunately, for today' small busi owners, there ar mani softwar applic avail that ar adept at maintain busi continuity. These applic ar easili access and simpl to implement, make your busi safer in case the unthink should occur.
The Kei to Maintain Busi Continuity
when in fact,I see mani small busi make the same common mistak when it come to secur their data and maintain busi continuity; I've list them below in an effort to help compani protect themselv from busi secur threats. Most compani I talk to believ thei ar secure. thei ar unmistak vulnerable.
Mistak #1: "My data is secure; I've got it back up on-premise."
a fire detect system and ar part of a secur offic park with secur personnel roam the ground 24/7. Just becaus your premis ar secur doesn't mean your record ar safe from busi secur threats. In fact,Let' sai you ar fortun enough to have a secur system. it' the opposite. Mani busi commonli make the mistak of back up file onli on-premis or back-up on premis and remov disc or tape manual on a regularli schedul interv ex. onc per month . The smartest solut to combat busi secur threat is to have all your data save and store in an off-premis data center. By have your data back up off-site, you ensur the safeti of all your import file and you get the ad benefit of be abl to access import file from ani Internet connect comput with the right secur authent of course!