
Twitter Lottery Gaining Popularity

it' freeTh final winner will be announc via a 'tweet' and the winner will receiv a round trip ticket to Alberta where the winner will receiv a certifi check. InflatableArch7 Thi is a great opportun and best of all.!

Twitter Lotteri Gain PopularityTwitt is an incred popular social network and micro blog servic that allow it member to send short messag known as tweets. Sinc it creation in 2006 Twitter ha grown into on of the most us social network and mani Hollywood star and polit figur post on Twitter regularly. It wa onli a matter of time befor lotteri game enter the world of Twitter.

Th Twitter lotteri is veri simpl and the odd of win ar somewhat better than most state lotteries. The odd of win the Twitter lotteri ar 1 in 14 million while the odd of win a Mega Million jackpot is about 1 in 176 million. The Twitter lotteri ha no fix jackpot and ha three month to advance. At present there is no wai of know just how big the jackpot will get. The jackpot get bigger everi time a user access the Twitter lotteri home page. The owner state that the jackpot monei will come from publicity. The Twitter lotteri is open to anyon around the world.

co workers,To enter the Twitter lotteri simpli open a Twitter account and visit the Twitter lotteri home page. The jackpot is directli relat to the valu of the Twitter lotteri websit and is clearli post at the top of the Twitter lotteri home page and is updat daily. Entry is free and Twitter lotteri player ar encourag to tell their friends. and famili about the lottery. The more site visit the Twitter lotteri home page receiv the more valuabl the site becom and the jackpot increas with each visit.

a colleg student who attend Mount Royal Univers in Alberta,Th winner will be select on Decemb 25th 2009 and a video will be post on YouTub as proof of the payout. The Twitter lotteri wa start by Peter H. Canada. Peter H. ha thi to sai about the size of the jackpot; "The actual jackpot is directli base on the estim valu of thi web site which can be seen at the top of thi home page. It is updat daily. As the web site becom more popular, the valu of the site increases. The beauti of thi concept is that it' free and the public plai an import role in how larg thei want to see thi jackpot becom just by tell friends, co-work or even famili to participate. The valu is consist grow everyday."

Th Twitter lotteri clearli show the power of the internet. Mani lotteri expert expect most state to allow the sale of onlin lotteri ticket in the near future. Most lotteri expert sai that allow player to purchas lotteri ticket onlin would result in an instant increas in sale of lotteri tickets.

