
Using Behaviorism to Increase Sales

the special word after Inflatable Tent 27 time will automat prompt the confid attitude,Behavior is often us by counselor to help client overcom neg behavior and also to facilit the achiev of goals. For exampl a sale person can recal feel and thought when an import sale wa made. A special word is us to recal the confid attitude. With practice. desir feeling, thought, etc. Thi special word is then us whenev on need the extra motiv or for exampl boost in their car sale efforts.

the steak is taken awai and now onli the bell is need to activ the saliv behavior. B.F. Skinner expand on behavior by introduc the concept of oper behavior and reinforcement. Receiv prais for a job well done will reinforc the behavior of do a job well. A ll About Car Online help to connect car dealer with car buyers. Seldom do custom walk into ani type of sale interact readi to make a purchase. Thi articl will describ how to us behavior to increas sales. Behaviorist believ that to understand peopl we must pai attent to behavior rather than try to figur what a person mai be thinking. Behavior can be observ rather than reli on peopl report on their thought which can be misleading. Most peopl ar familiar with classic condit made famou by Pavlov s dog. The dog is introduc to a piec of meat and begin to salivate. Dog is then introduc to both a ring bell and the steak and begin to salivate. After time.

incent ar taken awai and custom continu us product or service. Repeat custom ar reward with posit reinforc such as special discount and promotions. Thi exampl is sometim us to explain behavior and oper condit and reinforcement: if your girlfriend give you a kiss when you give her flowers,Sale promot work on the basic principl of behaviorism. Consum is introduc to a product with a sale promotion. After multipl purchases. you will be like to give her flower when you want a kiss. Now take thi exampl and substitut it with your sale goals. For example: if you give a discount for custom referrals, your custom will be like to bring you new custom when thei want a discount. Now the obviou dilemma is that your client will expect on-go reinforc for their consumpt behavior but if your product is worthwhil such a steak is to a hungri dog – the custom will becom regular without the need for continu incentives.

behaviorist were Inflatable Tent 29 abl to show that onc the oper condit is introduc it becom effect onli when the posit reinforc is us intermittently. The possibl of posit reinforc is more like to produc posit behavior than continu us of reinforcement. For exampl a manag can announc an incent dure three time of the month with the team not know which three dai the incent will be rewarded. Give sale team incent also reinforc sale behaviors. Critic of behavior is that the sale team will onli work hard when the reinforc is offered. However.

