France' public Inflatable Tunnel deficit should be reduc by EUR10 billion,Thi year. due partial to higher corpor tax revenu on the back of the econom recovery, the French minist said.
includ Franc and Germany, There is "no doubt" about the determin of euro-zon members. and the Internat Monetari Fund to support Greece, French budget minist Francoi Baroin said Thursdai in an interview with French radio station RTL.
Baroin said,There is no doubt either that euro-zon member ar support the euro currency. stress that through Greece, the whole of the euro zone wa "under attack" from speculators.
" Baroin said. The specul over Greece' debt is "scandalous.
but will be "demanding" over Greece' effort to cut it public deficit and debt,Euro-zon member and the IMF ar about to launch an aid packag for Greece. Baroin said, ad that it wa "out of the question" for the Greek debt to be restructured.
as part of the three-year rescu scheme. Baroin declin to sai how much Franc plan to lend in 2011 and 2012. Franc plan to lend around EUR3.9 billion to Greec thi year.
after credit rate agenc downgrad both Portug and Spain in the past few days. The French government' prioriti is to cut the deficit,France' sovereign debt rate doe not face ani risk of a downgrad Baroin said. he said.