
Learn About The Life Of Bees

a worker bee can InflatableIndoorCastles live up to on hundr and forti dai old. Dure the summer month the worker bee is lucki to live for forti days,A fter mate with a queen the drone dies. Dure the winter months. the short summer life span is becaus the worker bee ar liter work to death. The worker bee' duti ar wide and varied. Worker bee call nurs bee ar in charg of care for the young larvae, other worker ar sent out to gather pollen to be made into honey. Some worker spend their time cap off honei combs, other worker ar respons for take care of the queen. Worker bee ar in charg of starv the unwant drone bee and clean the hive. There can be ani were from twenti thousand to two hundr thousand worker bee in a singl hive. Worker bee ar alwai sterile. If a worker bee lai an egg it becom a drone bee. Worker bee ar the bee that peopl see defend the hive.

It all start with the egg. The hive queen bee lai an egg in on of the cell construct for the soul purpos of lai eggs. Once queen ha laid the egg and move on to lai anoth dure the spring month the queen can lai an averag of 1900 egg daili the egg is attach to the cell with a mucu strand.

a worker bee come along and cap the larvae,When the egg hatch a larva emerges. Nurs bee ar in charg of care for the young larvae. Thei feed the egg bee bread. Bee bread is a strang mixtur of gland secret and honey. The larva will go through five distinct growth stages. After each of these stage the larva shed it outer skin. When the larva is six dai old. caccoon the larva in it cell. The larva stai the in the cocoon for for eight to ten days, when it emerg from the cocoon it is a fulli form young bee.

she is alwai surround by an entourag of worker bee who feed her and remov her waste. It is not uncommon for the elderli queen bee to leav the nest in the springtim when the rest of the hive is get readi to swarm. Expert believ that the queen produc some sort of pheromon that prevent the hive worker bee from becom interest in sex. A queen bee who ha not made her nuptial flight is call a virgin queen. Drone bee ar male bee that live onli to impregn queen bee dure the queen nuptial flight. The averag length of life averag honei bee depend on what purpos the bee fulfil in the hive. A queen bee can live for two year provid that she wa abl to get herself insemin with enough sperm dure her nuptial flight. A good strong queen bee can lai as mani as 2000 egg a day. She is in charg of kill her sister and mothers. The queen bee doesn't have to worri about take care of herself.

